
Project information
Investigating oneself is always a complex task that requires a lot of energy and detachment. It is almost an exercise in self-care, to see how much one has grown and what holds value amidst so many folders and drawers (many of them digital). I needed to talk about strength and the creative process, I needed to talk about myself. My brand speaks about how these processes can be manifold. I appropriate the metaphor of the wave in a relational way, relying on the principles of exchange, continuity, and change to address the constant inconsistency that can be experienced. Exchanging paths, exchanging ideas, knowledge. Continuing teachings, promoting, persisting, and changing. Changing opinions, approaches, changing perspectives. The colors speak a little of this nostalgic technology that transports me to a very intimate and warm universe. In order to communicate consistently, I created an interactive system in p5.js that not only generates unique graphics but is also dynamic, bringing this modern and technological approach.
Design, motion, strategy
and tone of voice
Lukas Arujo
Labor by Leopoldo Leal
Mori Gothic by Inary Type
Nichrome by Mass-Driver™
